Publication Date: 2016-10-08
Sujan Patel, an entrepreneur and a marketer who’s made a career out of learning how to keep an eye on ALL the moving pieces of his business. He's the co-founder of two successful digital marketing companies, ContentMarketer and Web Profits. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Never Eat Alone What CEO do you follow? – Elon Musk Favorite online tool? — Buzzsumo Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— “No” If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “I wish I knew that I could work harder”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:43 – Nathan introduces Sujan to the show 02:03 – What is Web Profits and how does it make money? 02:09 – Marketing agency 02:20 – Average retainer is $ 10,000 a month 02:40 – Reject 90% of the people 03:00 – 20 clients at the moment 03:05 – Web Profits is founded earlier this year 03:12 – Consulting firm 03:40 – Joint venture with a big company in Australia 03:55 – 90 team members 04:09 – 8 people are in Austin 04:21 – Total revenue at the moment 04:28 – Goal in 2016 is to hit a million 04:50 – Sujan’s thoughts on distractions 05:05 – Sujan likes to do a lot of things 05:12 – Additional 4 SaaS businesses 05:28 – ContentMarketer,,, 06:40 – Sujan helps in strategy 07:37 – ContentMarketer has a few products 07:44 – Email and twitter outreach 08:09 – Great for bloggers and podcasters 08:30 – Just hit a million email sent 09:00 – Finding an email is an art 09:26 – Total number of customers on all the business 09:27 – Average pay per month 09:55 – MRR 10:15 – “It is definitely worth it” 11:20 – RPU 12:00 – Number of paying customers on 12:10 – as SaaS and an advertising content 12:53 – Number of customers per promotion 13:09 – ContentMarketer is a bootstrap 13:15 – Founding date 13:25 – First year revenue 14:00 – UX designs 14:25 – Launching a new product 14:55 – Gross customer churn for ContentMarketer 15:10 – No upselling 15:30 – “We know what product to sell” 15:48 – 4 team members for connector 15:56 – Goal for the business 16:10 – Grow as big as possible 16:31 – Sujan owns half of 16:38 – Acquired the whole company with a partner 17:16 – Connect with Sujan through his blog and Twitter 18:50 - The Famous Five   3 Key Points: It is easier to promote your products if you know them well. Have a bigger goal for your business. Creating a great email is like creating great art – you need the right tools and the right artist. Resources Mentioned: Toptal – Nathan found his development team using Toptal  for his new business Send Later. He was able to keep 100% equity and didn’t have to hire a co-founder due to quality of Toptal  developers. Host Gator – The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for cheapest price possible. Freshbooks – The site Nathan uses to manage his invoices and accounts. Leadpages  – The drag and drop tool Nathan uses to quickly create his webinar landing pages which convert at 35%+ Audible – Nathan uses Audible when he’s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5 hour drive) to listen to audio books. – Sujan’s blog @SujanPatel – Sujan’s Twitter handle Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives  
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