Publication Date: 2017-07-14
Steve Olsher. He’s the chairman and founder of He’s a New York Times best-selling author of What Is Your WHAT?: Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do. He’s also hosted the number 1 radio show, Reinvention Radio, and is a national keynote speaker and creator of the New Media Summit. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – The $100 Startup What CEO do you follow? – Giovanni Marsico Favorite online tool? — io How many hours of sleep do you get?— 7-8 If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? – “I wished I would have trusted myself more”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:10 – Nathan introduces to the show 01:35 – Steve was in Episode 342 02:02 – Steve is still in the process of selling 02:14 – is on ad revenue but is moving into the monetization strategy in Q3 and Q4 02:20 – Monthly impression is currently $3M 02:32 – There’s nothing in the bottom line revenue because it just goes back to the business 02:45 – Gross margin varies 03:51 – The company’s valuation 04:07 – Average open rate 04:14 – Depending on the promotion, the click rate varies 04:41 – People are more interested with contests than new products 05:26 – Steve has been doing events 06:24 – was like a family business 07:04 – New Media Summit does live events for different types of viewers 08:00 – The idea is to connect with people who have high-visibility platforms 08:34 – New Media Summit is bringing in icons and influencers to events 09:06 – Most people are podcasters 09:25 – The people in New Media Summit are focused on understanding the value of teaching and sharing their knowledge 09:47 – New Media Summit takes care of the podcasters hotel accommodation and meals 09:57 – The event will accommodate only 150 people 10:17 – There will be an influencer and mastermind on the last day of the summit 10:49 – Attendees can pay in full which is $4997—the early bird price 11:10 – The marketing just started and they have sold 2 tickets for the early bird 11:17 – There are some who invested in Steve’s products and services and paid a seat deposit to attend the summit 11:30 – Minimum price to attend is $1300 plus the seat deposit 12:28 – Part of Steve’s revenue comes from buying stage time 12:44 – Steve can easily pay $10K for a highly-curated event with 100 people 13:19 – An event should have a revenue model or plan of action in order to recoup 14:44 – There are some events that people don’t want to go back to because they are just pitch fests 14:49 – Steve doesn’t speak at events where 1-10 people are selling 15:22 – Steve’s call-to action during his speaking is to sign-up on an order form which has a lot of bonuses 16:34 – An event venue is quite expensive which can average to about $150K for a whole day event 17:00 – Steve is also making money from the events 17:28 – They’ve got everything covered before the event starts 17:38 – There will be services and products offered during the event 18:03 – Steve will also pitch to future speakers 19:35 – The Famous Five   3 Key Points: An event should be well-planned and have a revenue model where they can recoup expenses. The main challenges in having an event is ensuring people attend and to have speakers who will NOT just sell during the event. Ad open rates always vary depending on the promotion.   Resources Mentioned: The Top Inbox – The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens, and follow-up with email sequences Klipfolio – Track your business performance across all departments for FREE Hotjar – Nathan uses Hotjar to track what you’re doing on this site. He gets a video of each user visit like where they clicked and scrolled to make the site a better experience Acuity Scheduling – Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments Host Gator– The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible Audible– Nathan uses Audible when he’s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
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